Ontario EcoSchools: “Keep on conserving”

Mar 20, 2018 | Publications, Schools

Enerlife is happy to announce the publication of the 2017 Ontario EcoSchools Energy Performance Study, comparing the energy performance of certified EcoSchools compared to non-certified schools in Ontario. Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental education and certification program for Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools, with almost a quarter of all schools in the province certified under the program (2015). We worked with the organization for the second year in a row to provide the analysis. The study was based on the 2014-2015 energy use data, required to be published annually by Ontario’s school boards, which Enerlife collects and analyzes as part of Toronto & Region Conservation’s long-standing Sustainable Schools program.

Consistent with the results of the first EcoSchools study, this year the study found that certified EcoSchools (elementary and secondary) are more energy efficient than non-certified schools, and that the difference in energy efficiency of the two groups of schools is statistically significant. We also found that in general, all schools, whether certified or not, are more efficient users of electricity compared to natural gas. This is important since high natural gas usage has a large impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

Read the full report.

Enerlife - EcoSchools 2017 Report