privacy and data management policy statement

Enerlife Consulting is committed to providing good privacy practices regarding information and data from our clients and users. We are committed to maintaining and protecting client information under our control. We collect confidential information and documentation regarding our clients’ energy and water consumption, as well as profiles of their facilities, to assist us in performing services mutually agreed upon. We operate a database of this information, which provides feedback on building performance to our clients.


Enerlife will not distribute, disclose or disseminate information provided, except:

  • when displayed in aggregate and/or anonymous format
  • when displayed at member-only program workshops with other members present
  • to directors, partners, officers, agents, employees or advisors to whom disclosure is necessary in order to permit it to use or process the information and who have agreed in writing to the terms and conditions of confidentiality and non-disclosure

The information provided, regardless of how it is transmitted, is kept confidential and secure. We are committed to protecting your privacy and your financial security. We acknowledge that the confidential information is the property of the client.

If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information or have privacy concerns of any nature, please contact our Business Manager by submitting a request via email at vasb@rareyvsr.pbz or call 416-915-1530.