- Congratulations to Mayors’ Megawatt Challenge member, Town of Caledon, on winning the Capital/Operating Project Team Excellence Award and the Greatest Energy Reduction Building Performance Award for its Town Hall at the 2014 Race to Reduce Awards!
- Mayors’ Megawatt Challenge 2014 Annual Forum was a great success. Invited speakers included QUEST Chair and former BC Premier, Mike Harcourt, and Mark Hutchinson, Director of Green Building Programs at Canada Green Building Council. For more Forum highlights visit the MMC website.
- SickKids Hospital wins Greening Health Care’s 2014 Leadership Award for overall innovation and performance in sustainability. Congratulations!
- Kingston General Hospital wins two exciting awards for implementing energy and water conservation measures, reporting 14% in energy and 25% in water savings.
Multi-unit residential buildings:
- Federation of Registered Property Owners (FRPO) is implementing their new Living Green Together standards for Multi-Unit Residential Buildings, requiring participants to implement comprehensive measures from energy and water consumption to the introduction of recycling programs and education and awareness programs. Compliance is expected by end of June 2015. For more information see the feature on FRPO’s new standards in Rental Housing Business and the article on Property Biz Canada, Ontario apartment landlords launch green building standard.