Yonge Corporate Centre: “One of Ontario’s best examples of a commercial building energy savings initiative”

Jul 28, 2016 | Commercial offices

The office of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has profiled our long-time client, Cadillac Fairview’s Yonge Corporate Centre. Commissioner Dianne Saxe and staff recently toured the three-building office complex in North Toronto, calling it “one of Ontario’s best examples of a commercial building energy savings initiative.”

Yonge Corporate Centre achieved high Energy Star scores and low energy use intensities “that would be the envy of almost all new buildings built today,” the commissioner’s office wrote. Enerlife is proud to lead the integrated building performance team which made this accomplishment possible. This remarkable multi-year effort resulted in improved tenant satisfaction, better operator engagement, and improved air quality, in addition to utility cost savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. The commissioner’s office credits energy use data as being the key to success at Yonge Corporate Centre. The integrated team uses this data to develop retrofit measures and operational changes, while continuously monitoring energy use reductions through interval metering.

Yonge Corporate Centre also enjoys a highly successful tenant engagement program. A recent Green Report prepared for tenants highlights energy, water, waste and greenhouse gas emissions reductions achieved in the three buildings over 2012-2014 period, as well as various complex-wide sustainability initiatives. As a result, these efforts contributed to Yonge Corporate Centre achieving LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance Gold certification in December 2015.

For more information on services we provide to Yonge Corporate Centre, see our project description.

YCC chart July 2016