Net-zero new buildings are beginning to enter the market. Getting to net-zero with existing office buildings presents a bigger challenge.
Ontario’s 2019 Top Energy Performing School Boards
Mar 11, 2019 | Publications, Schools
Sustainable Schools is pleased to announce the top energy performing school boards in Ontario, based on reported data for the September 2016 – August 2017 school year.
Ontario EcoSchools: “Keep on conserving”
Mar 20, 2018 | Publications, Schools
Enerlife is happy to announce the publication of the 2017 Ontario EcoSchools Energy Performance Study, comparing the energy performance of certified EcoSchools compared to non-certified schools in Ontario.
Ontario’s 2017 Top Energy Performing School Boards
Jun 30, 2017 | Publications, Schools
Together with Toronto & Region Conservation, we are happy to announce the top energy performing school boards in Ontario, based on reported data for the September 2014 – August 2015 school year.
Making the Grade with Ontario EcoSchools
Mar 8, 2017 | Publications, Schools
Enerlife was asked to compare the EcoSchools scores for certified schools with the school board energy data that we have been analyzing and reporting on over the years through Toronto and Region Conservation’s Sustainable Schools program.
Saving energy in hospitals: It’s not what you think
Feb 28, 2015 | Health care, Publications
Greening Health Care is a Canada-wide collective of hospitals using their energy data in much the same way a doctor would use a patient's vital signs. As Ian Jarvis, Greening Health Care’s energy efficiency guru puts it, "a building is like a person; you have to first...
Greening Health Care: Energy efficiency and sustainability
Mar 16, 2014 | Health care, Publications
Greening Health Care was featured in the Hospital News February 2014 Edition, titled Greening Health Care: Energy efficiency and sustainability.
Achieving the Energy Target of 20 ekWh/sqft/year by 2015 in Town and City Halls
May 21, 2013 | Municipalities, Publications
Adopting a national energy use target for individual building types can take performance and leadership to the next level by enabling every municipality in Canada to achieve deeper reductions in energy consumption, costs and greenhouse gas emissions. [gview...
The Billion Dollar Healthcare Goldmine
May 21, 2013 | Health care, Publications
Ontario’s hospitals can collectively produce around $100,000,000/year in utility cost savings while collecting a similar one-time amount in utility company incentives. Over the next ten years this redirected cash flow can help renew physical infrastructure while...
2011 Top Energy Performing Schools
Feb 14, 2013 | Publications, Schools
The Sustainable Schools list of Top Energy Performing Schools for 2011 recognizes some of the most energy efficient schools in North America. The competition was open to school boards across Canada and the United States. In this third annual report, the focus is on...