Net-zero new buildings are beginning to enter the market. Getting to net-zero with existing office buildings presents a bigger challenge.
Energy Into Action: OPsaver Program Successes
Oct 19, 2018 | Commercial offices, Events, Health care, Utilities
On Tuesday, October 30, 2018, Ontario’s major electric and gas utilities and IESO will be hosting an Energy Into Action event. Frank Cammalleri, Enerlife’s Vice-President, will be speaking about our experience with Toronto Hydro’s OPsaver program.
Working Together Towards Truly High Performance Buildings (February 5, 2018)
Jan 15, 2018 | Commercial offices, Events
On Monday, February 5, 2018, Enerlife’s President, Ian Jarvis, and Senior Project Engineer, Amandeep Deol, will discuss how buildings are achieving high energy performance through operations at a joint event of ASHRAE Toronto Chapter and CaGBC-GTC.
Simcoe Place energy savings: Toronto Hydro case study
Aug 11, 2016 | Commercial offices, Utilities
Our performance-based approach to energy conservation is paying off for Simcoe Place. Toronto Hydro’s case study outlines how the office building achieved over $550,000 in annual energy savings and received more than $580,000 in incentives.
Yonge Corporate Centre: “One of Ontario’s best examples of a commercial building energy savings initiative”
Jul 28, 2016 | Commercial offices
Yonge Corporate Centre, our long-time client, has been profiled by the office of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. In a recent blog post, the office called it “one of Ontario’s best examples of a commercial building energy savings initiative.”
Race to Reduce: Over the Finish Line
Nov 10, 2015 | Awards, Commercial offices, Events
The 2015 Race to Reduce Awards celebrated the achievements of many of the buildings and organizations that Enerlife has worked with over the past 4 years.
Energy Into Action: Where the Big Savings Are
Oct 22, 2015 | Commercial offices, Events, Health care, Presentations, Schools
Our experience with achieving dramatic savings in HVAC systems in commercial and institutional buildings was profiled at the Energy Into Action event.
Green Real Estate Conference 2015
Apr 30, 2015 | Commercial offices, Events
The annual Green Real Estate Conference, Canada's largest annual national conference on real estate investment and management issues, was held in Toronto on April 23, 2015. Ian Jarvis, Enerlife’s president, took part in the closing panel, "The View From the Top,"...
2014 Green Real Estate Forum
Mar 8, 2014 | Commercial offices, Events
Join CivicAction's Race to Reduce at the Green Real Estate Forum March 25, Session A4, 10:00 -11:00am: SMARTER ENERGY USE: THE RESULTS OF A UNIQUE COLLABORATION BETWEEN OFFICE BUILDING LANDLORDS AND TENANTS. This session will examine the impact the voluntary energy...
Explosion of Building Data Energizing Energy Efficiency in Canada
May 27, 2013 | Commercial offices, Events, Municipalities, Schools
Widespread benchmarking and auditing is creating a large and growing body of knowledge to fuel the fast-developing energy efficiency agenda in Canada. According to speakers at the 9th Annual Energy Matters Summit ( May 6th and 7th, 2013), the growth in data and...